
Friday, December 10, 2010

C is for Cookie...

I've had this blog for less than a week, and I've literally had to sit on my hands not to post five times a day.  I've blogged before and struggled to find content, but when it comes to sugar, I always have a project.

I have no cake to show you today, but I do have cookies!  I did a fast order for my best customer, my mom, who needed something to feed a ravenous group of piano and violin students.  She's a music teacher who has finally realized her dream to teach in her own private studio.  I'm so proud of her, and I love her more than I can say.  So when she calls and says "Can you make four dozen sugar cookies for me tomorrow?!"  I say, "Of course!"

Her little studio kids will be munching on candy canes, snowmen and Christmas trees as they entertain each other with a few tunes of the season.

Bring me a plate and some white milk!

So there they are, four dozen cookies, iced, decorated and ready for some party action tomorrow afternoon.  I love ya, Momma!  Tank those kids up on sugar and send 'em back home.

One more...close up on those trees...fa la la la la, nom nom nom nom!