
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Greetings, cake lovers!  It's blog time. 

I may be creating a lot of great new source material for Cake Wrecks, but it's a chance I'm going to have to take.  I've decided I'm never going to transform my love of cake - that is, truly flavorful, beautiful cake - into more than a hobby, unless I have to perform on a regular basis.  So, here I will publish my attempts to be a self-made pastry artist - pictures, horror stories, woe and success. 

This may be the worst idea I've ever had, or it could be just what I need to get really good at something I love doing.  My goal is to post a cake once a week.  It may be one from the files, or it may be the latest creation.

Here's a picture of the cake that started it all, my son's first birthday cake.  I have to credit my brother, Josh for the fondant elephant.  He needed a project that day too!
These were inspired by Mega Blocks and Leggos.

Not bad for a first try...but yeah, it's a little rough.  I've gotten a little better at the whole fondant thing. Here's Andrew's 2nd birthday cake...with a whole bunch of gum paste work.

Super Why! and the Super Duper Computer
 So there you go.  Thanks to my son, I found something I love to do and a great creative outlet.  Tune in next week for another cake creation.

Thanks for visiting Cake Lore!

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