
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ribbon, Bows and Bears, Minus the Bears

Are you a fan of Cake Wrecks?  If you're not, you should be.  I visit that website daily for the latest jaw-dropping, eye-rolling creation.

One thing I've learned from Cake Wrecks is that brown icing always looks like poo...always...especially if it's in a little swirl on top of a cupcake or something.

That is why I will NOT be showing you a picture of the first stage of my awesome royal icing and gumpaste teddy bears.  They are drying on the back porch, but until they get their white tummies and red bow ties, they look a little like brown icing tends to look.

And I am not ready to be on Cake Wrecks myself just yet, thank you very much.  The teddy bears are going to be ornaments on my Christmas Tree cake, along with long strands of gumpaste ribbon, and on top, I've decided to create a big, beautiful bow.

I have finally gotten the first stage of the cake topper done.  I have sixteen ribbon loops drying...

Golden gumpaste drying on a cookie sheet.

I'll be using 12 of these, in red and gold, to assemble a big, beautiful, loopy bow for the top of the tree.  A little floral tape, a lot of patience and it should look completely awesome and wonderfully festive. More soon!


  1. Thanks, Molly:)...I should write something about the little rolly tool I have that makes that dotted's awesome. It's like a teeny weeny pizza cutter.
