
Friday, January 7, 2011

My Card...

I had a friend ask about business cards the other day.  So I ordered some from VistaPrint - supposedly a freebie if you pay shipping.  But golly, that site is out for blood! 

Sorry kids, I had to use the cell phone camera.
They lure you in with "free business cards" then they present nine million products that match the layout and color of your's like office supply nirvana!

Everything has your name on it and it's all so pretty! 

I managed to get to the checkout and only succumb to one other product - the oh-so-enticing return address label.

Anyway...thought I'd show you all the cards I ordered while I'm cooking up my next creation.  My mom's birthday is coming up, and she's going to get my best effort:). 

More soon.

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