
Friday, April 15, 2011

Over the Hill...and Moving on Up!

I have had a GREAT cake week!

I'm making progress on legitimizing my would-be bakery.  I have a spot reserved for ServSafe food handling certification in May, and I'm working on finding some rental kitchen space somewhere.  Slap a tax ID on that and you have yourself a business baby!  Yeeeeah!

Losing that iris cake was a bummer, but it got me on the right track.  I know what has to be done to keep this going, and I'm gonna do it.  It feels like I'm laying the foundation for my future...and in the meantime, I'm still making cakes for friends and friends of friends.

Here's my latest...a classic "over the hill" theme for my friend Heather.

I know, I know...another video!  I flatter myself I'm quite the technological genius, aha....

So, this one is an 8" white cake...vanilla, with real vanilla buttercream and the little dude is of course a gum paste original.  (The top is actually styrofoam, since the party this cake is going to won't have millions of people.)  I love working with this stuff.  And the best part is, it's not a trinket you have to keep and dust forever.  It's art...then it's food. 

No clutter, no obligation to save it.  But there's a definite obligation to EAT it.'s cake.  And it's awesome.