
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Nothing Says Thank You Like...

Double Chocolate Raspberry Cake!

My baby sitting crew appreciated their cake:).

My husband and I have a really high-brow tradition for our anniversary. 

We go to...Holiday World.  That's right.  The highlight of our Hoosier traveling for the year is usually a two hour car ride through God's Country - aka GORGEOUS Southern Indiana - and a day of riding wooden roller coasters and the best water slides ever. 

What can I say?  We're simple people who like simple pleasures:).  Actually, Holiday World will always hold a special place in our hearts.  Our honeymoon consisted of whatever we could find that was fun on the way to Ft. Campbell, KY.  That meant a cabin in Brown County and a couple of days in Santa Claus eating funnel cakes and riding coasters.  And we had a blast!  So we go every year. 

We've been married four years...and now, with a toddler in tow, we take our annual trip very seriously.  We had a day full of sitters lined up, and this double chocolate raspberry cake was my thank you to the free help my family put up so we could go have a good time.

It may have been 55 degrees, but we rode every water ride and had a great time!  I'll never go again when it's that cold, but dang it!  When you have sitters, you go no matter what!  Grit your teeth and think of England!  or...'Merica!  Ahem. 

Happy Anniversary to us!  Weren't we cute??

Oh the irony!  My wedding cake was gross...would that
I had known of my love of cake four years ago!

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