
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Baby Smash!

I have mixed feelings about this project.

I've never had anyone ask me to make cakes, especially fondant covered cakes, for the sole purpose of being smashed by a one-year-old.  But I don't ask questions.  When the opportunity arises to make cake, I just take it.

One to smash for the party, and
One to smash for the camera!

Still...I can't believe these cakes aren't going to be eaten.  They're the real deal, with hand made butter cream and everything. 

See?  Making an effort to take pictures that
don't have piping bags and powdered sugar
in the background.  Progress, people!

Each cake is 4", round
White cake, vanilla butter cream and fondant

 I'm hoping the baby-girl who gets to destroy these little works of art gets a fistful or two into her mouth.  And then maybe next year she'll be able to ask for a Cake Lore cake by name:). 

So dang cute.  Somebody ought to order some that will get eaten! 

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