
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I Am Very Useful.

I do a little parenting here and there, you know, in between cake orders, gum paste flowers, the job I have that brings in a steady paycheck and...oh yeah, being married.

This week, I'm also preparing to shepherd eight or nine little 2-3 year old souls through a week of Vacation Bible School. 

So, I mean, why not also plan an elaborate birthday party for my son.  WHY NOT?  Well, there are lots of reasons...but I ignored them all, because the only thing that usually gets me off my flour-covered butt is having a bit too much on my plate.  "I work best under pressure," is a cliche for a reason I guess...aha!

I'm pretty proud that everyone in this house has eaten, bathed and gotten sleep this week - major accomplishments for this over-extended mommy.  And I'm extra proud that I went a little beyond and got the  foundation laid for Andrew's third birthday cake. 

Thomas the Chocolate Cake Engine,
in his crumb coat of vanilla butter cream

I have a dream...and that dream is to see the number one engine on Sodor chug into my kid's party and make him smile.  After I see that, then I will collapse in a chair, start planning next year's cake and hope that we keep this lovely mayhem going a little while longer.

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