
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I May Be On to Something Here.

I try to focus my posts on my cake projects, because, let's face it - it's fun.  But lately, I've been doing a lot more work on the businessy side of things, and I just can't let that go un-noted.

Regulars know by now that I try to particiapte in Gratituesday, a weekly effort from Heavenly Homemakers.  Well, I have a lot to be thankful for  this week. 

1.  Advancing Women in Business Seminar - WOW.  I just can't say enough about how encouraging and empowering this event was.  It's an annual event, created by Indiana's Lt. Governor, Becky Skillman and hosted by the Office of Community and Rural Affairs.  I networked, I got out of my comfort zone, I learned and now, I'm moving forward on my business plan! 

2.  Indiana's Small Business Development Centers - WHAT an incredible resource!  Friendly, helpful people and just as excited about my ideas as I am.  Can't wait to work with them more.

3.  New Freezer.  That's right mother in law slaughtered a cow, we bought a freezer for our little chunk of it, and there's enough room up top to store multiple cakes that are in the process of awesomeness.  I have SPACE!

4.  Possible new delivery vehicle.  I think this just might be providence.  We found and EXTREMELY affordable SUV with the space I need to deliver larger cake orders.  That means the possibility that I won't have to borrow larger vehicles anymore and I will be able to take on more and bigger orders!  Again...SPACE is a wonderful thing!

I feel like I'm walking through doors that have been opened by a bigger hand than mine. 


Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!

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