
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Name Them One by One

It's Gratituesday!  This is an important exercise for me to undertake every week...counting my blessings.

I'm grateful for:

My sister-in-law who has accepted my invitation to guest blog (hopefully this week!)...

Online cake tutorials that teach me enough to keep me challenged...

The cupcakes I'm going to make for our Vacatiton Bible School wrap-up on Friday night and the eight little 3 year old souls I am spending my evenings with, learning about God, creation and our great Savior

God's faithfulness...even when I am unfaithful...which, let's face it, happens about every five minutes...

A really crazy, happy birthday party last weekend...

REST.  I'm a little weary - so this is a short blog today.  

What are you grateful for today?

Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!

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