
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Dear "Admirers:" THANK YOU!

Know what this is??

This is an awesome camera.

It's also MINE! 

Someone out there, who reads my blog, who knows my camera permanently died on me right before my last enormous wedding cake, who supports my business concept and who is just downright generous - that someone - bought me a camera.

Did you catch that?  Someone bought me a camera!  EEEEEEEEEEE!

It arrived at my house today, and I'm stunned.  I just can't believe someone would buy me such a wonderful - and might I add, completely perfect - gift, without so much as a return address.  There was just a printed note from my "admirers" inside the box. 

I've been drooling over cameras for a while, knowing full well I wouldn't be getting one any time soon.   Good quality cameras aren't cheap, and I was guiltily devising a plan to save for one.

This is such an important tool for me as I build my business, slowly and surely.  Being able to show brides or party planners what I'm capable of is what this stage is all about.  Now I can do that so much more confidently and so much easier!

So, whoever you are...a reader...a friend...Thank you.  From the bottom of my heart...thank you.  Your gift is deeply encouraging to me.  Knowing that someone else out there believes in what I'm trying to achieve - that is priceless. 

So stay tuned.  High-res photos of awesome cake and bread coming to Bake Lore soon!


  1. Whoo hoo! :) I can't wait to see more pics of your incredible concoctions!
