
Monday, July 4, 2011

Ding Dong? DANG!

I will soon be revealing my latest wedding masterpiece, here at Cake Lore.  It'll be delivered and photographed adnosium next weekend, so set your iphone alarms and make sure you tell your friends:).

In the meantime, I have to ask you a question.  WHO is googling "giant ding dong cake" every day? 

Are you a Giant Ding Dong Cake googler??
I really love checking the stats on this blog - love meaning "completely obsess over" in my own personal lexicon - and I especially love the feature that tells me search queries that lead people here.  It never fails - almost daily - someone, somewhere, is googling "giant ding dong cake."  I always scratch my head at that.

Well, I mean, I know why.  Becase ding dongs are amazing.  And nothing's better than amazing except for...GIANT amazing. 

The Cake Lore Giant Ding Dong Cake is a whole lotta amazing - super rich, double chocolate cake, filled with fresh vanilla whipped cream, covered in ganache. 

Mmmmmmmmmmmm...Ding Dong Dang. 

But you gotta admit, it's kind of a strange thing to see multiple people googling every day.  Kind of like the odds of hearing the right sentence at the end of a game of "Telephone."  Ever play that?  Yeah...anyway...So if you've been googling Giant Ding Dong Cake, I gotta say, thank you!'t stop:). 

I'll be pricing this one soon and adding it to ye olde price list - because far be it from me to overlook what could be the single most popular thing I make.

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