
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Time for a Cake Tasting!

In the wee hours of Saturday morning - - which for people like me, is any time before 9, thanks very much - - I packed my car up with a delivery of fresh bread and cake pops and one mouth-watering platter of cake.

I'm kind of like an old timey doctor.  I make house calls.  And today, the cake tasting came to the bride-to-be.  Wanna see what she sampled?

Eight flavor combinations!

Here's a handy-dandy guide to the gorggeous flavor up there:

Lemon Cake
Vanilla Butter Cream
Almond Cake
Chocolate Butter Cream
Chocolate Cake
Vanilla Butter Cream
Buttery Yellow Cake
Raspberry Butter Cream
Lemon Cake
Raspberry Butter Cream
Almond Cake
Almond Butter Cream
Chocolate Cake
Peanut Butter Cream
Buttery Yellow Cake
Strawberry Butter Cream

Fingers crossed that I get a call soon with an order for another big, beautiful bridal cake! 


  1. Ummm, I want that chocolate cake with peanut butter cream RIGHT NOW.

  2. May you reap a hundred fold what you invest.

  3. I'm trying one more time to add a picture.

  4. Christine, I would love to give you a bite:). And thanks, Mom! Love you!
