
Friday, December 30, 2011

Ribbons and More Ribbons

My sister-in-law, who blogs at Enduring Tri Girl, turned me on to a great idea.  She sent me a link to a cake that had been made not with cake, but...wait for it...with cereal treats.

That's right, an entire cake made solely out of cereal treats.  It blew my baking mind.

I immediately thought: cake dummies!  I've been wanting to invest in some cake dummies for some time now, but really, I make all kinds of models out of this stuff.  Why can't I made a cake model?

So I did!  I whipped up some sticky gooeyness and shaped it to my needs.  Then I got out some leftover royal icing I had on hand and practiced a technique that creates a folded ribbon effect. 

How fun is that?  I had a great time working with the icing and though there were a few imperfect places, I feel much more confident after all the piping practice...after all, practice piping makes perfect piping...right???

I still have a ton of dummies left - and  can't wait to try more ideas I've been sitting on. 

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