
Friday, May 4, 2012


I'm not gonna lie.  Life has been brutal lately!  The husband just finished up his semester at school - kudos to him for being super smart and getting amazing grades! - and I have been oh-so-busy with the day job and the house (which has not sold, so we'll be Lintonians for the forseeable future) and the kiddo...whew! 

I've actually had the disheartening task of turning away cake orders.  I had to say no to a bridal tasting, which was very disappointing.  But honestly, if I can't pull of a cake I'm proud of, then I can't say yes to it.  I knew I was already booked to capacity for the summer, so I did the prudent if not profitable thing and said no. 


But, I do have good news for the cyber cricket who follows my blog even when I don't post.  The news is this:  THREE weddings, ONE big fat bridal shower and ONE enormous 50th anniversary cake...are all coming your way this summer. 

That means I will be posting more often, and it will be starting soon.  Tomorrow I'm getting started on some gorgeous peonies for one of my June brides, and I'll be sharing my progress with you.  Maybe I'll even post a video.  Maybe. 

Also, somewhere in there I have to make my son his FOURTH birthday cake.  (*He should not be that old.*)  And who knows what I'll pull out of my oven for that one.  One thing's for sure, he's not going to be getting a full-fledged kid party this year.  That is just exhausting, and with this crazy calendar, I am going to be doing well to tell family to come eat cake. 

In case you missed's the progression of Andrew's birthday cakes.  His first year was my first-ever specialty cake...the cake that launched a hobby:).   

First Birthday: Mega Blocks
Second Birthday: Super Why!
Third Birthday: Thomas the Tank Engine

Ok...later cake lovers!  I'm off to cover myself and all available surfaces in my kitchen with sugar and flour.

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