
Monday, June 4, 2012

Almond Bliss and a Table of Cake

Now that you've seen the Lightly Lemon creations, I'm proud to show you the Almond Bliss cakes that accompanied them on the dessert table. 

And I'd love some feedback on a photography issue I'm having here.  I'm not sure if the first or second picture has better color and lighting.  I tried to adjust things in the second shot down yonder, and I'm just not sure it actually improved things.  What do you all think?

4" and 8" Almond Bliss Cake, Almond and Vanilla Buttercream
Gumpaste toppers

Better? Worse? I don't like it as well as the other shot.
 Next up we have the large peony cake.  What a great, simple topper this makes for a bridal look.  Really, the great thing about all these cakes is that they are versatile, and you could easily bring them into any celebration as an eye-catching centerpiece.

6" and *" Almond Bliss Cake, Almond and Vanilla Buttercream
Gumpaste topper

And now...DRUMROLLLLLL Please! 

The final product: a bridal cake table I am very proud of, mostly because of the priceless Ooooo's and Ahhhh's I heard from the bride and her attendants as they looked over my shoulder.

Wedding One is in the books!  I'll be starting in on another big project soon, but for now, I will sit back and enjoy the marzipan fruits of my labor. 

Later, cake lovers!

1 comment:

  1. first and third on lighting. Really beautiful.
    The peony so beautiful. Peach looks good enough to eat! I'm sure it's edible.

    Carol w
