
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Beautiful Cake, Beautiful Bride

What is it about a really great wedding?  It makes you weep and laugh and by the end you are thoroughly exhausted if you had anything to do with the months of prep leading up to it.

I so appreciate the confidence a bride puts in me.  It's not some thing I take lightly, and I do everything I can to make her special cake a true centerpiece at the reception.  When that bride is a friend, you do even more. 

This very special cake took me through every skill set I need in this buisness - fondant (for the ribbon at the base of each tier), gum paste (for the originial topper and flowers), piping...and piping and piping, and of course from-scratch baking and butter-cream making.

Turned out pretty darn good, if I do say so myself:).

Original cake topper, gum paste, hand painted, 100% edible!

Red Velvet (the kind you actually want to EAT!)
with cream cheese butter cream and Chocolate Fudge
with vanilla buttercream, fondant accent.

The center food table - there were red roses everywhere!

Back of the topper - I love the silver swirls.

From the back...

My beautiful friend and her new husband, cutting their cake!

Ready to eat - mmmmmm


  1. Another stunningly B-E-A-UTIFUL Bake Lore cake Amy! Congrats! I wish I had some of your cake last week for mom & dad's 50th......

  2. Well, you know, cake pops ship really well! Thanks, Kelly!

  3. BEAUTIFUL pictures of (what I think is) your best cake yet! You are a dear for all the time and love you put into that cake for us. It was perfect and better than anything I could have imagined! We love you!
