
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fat Daddio - Give Away!

Hello Bake Lore fans!

Have I got some great news for you!  I just received an email yesterday from my wonderful contact at Fat Daddio - makers of the world's best bake ware - and a box is in the mail, coming to yours truly.  What's inside??? for me...and one for YOU!

That's right - this amazing company has agreed to work with me to do a give away promotion.  I will have not one, but TWO opportunities for readers to win some of the finest bake ware in the world. 

I will be baking in one, blogging about it and giving away the other.  I hope this will turn you on to Fat Daddio and get you on the path to using them exclusively in your kitchen as well.   

And, let's be honest - I want to get the word out about Bake Lore to more and more people.  If I can do that with a company like Fat Daddio - then all I can say is WOOHOO! 

Tell your friends!  I'll be finalizing the details of the give away soon!!

And you bet I'm grateful for this opportunity! 
Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!


  1. Would you believe that I do not have a round cake pan? Do you know someone who could give me a couple?

  2. Hmmm...give? lol:) - I am getting some interesting shapes in the be announced...but Fat Daddio makes very reasonably priced items that last forever if well cared for - lots of round pans. They're on amazon and all over the place!
