
Friday, March 30, 2012

Congratulations, Erin!

Congratulations to Erin! 

You are a WINNER!

While you may not have that perfect winning mix of tiger blood and Adonis DNA, like our friend in the seal up top, you have something far better.  You have CAKE! 

Please send me an email at, and we will figure out a way for you to win your cake and eat it too. 

Thanks for your participation everyone!  This was a fun give away, and I'll probably do more like it in the future.


  1. it. :o) On behalf of my in-laws who will be enjoying this thing of beauty, I thank you and Bethany Bear who introduced me to your blog.

    Who would have thought a girl from Chicago had a friend in Texas who's baker friend lives in Linton, IN, which is just north of her in-laws who reside in Sandborn, IN...

    Side note: I briefly met Lennon nearly 12 years ago. Papa Bear gave him a ride home after school and I was with him to greet Bethany.

  2. It is a small world - love it! We call her Aunt Bethany around here, and we wish she lived closer:). My brother lives in Chicago too, so how's that for another random connection. I hope it is a hit with your in-laws!
