
Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Give Away Cake

Just in case you were wondering, I'm playing this give away all kinds of loosey goosey.  Pretty much if you comment on yesterday, today or tomorrow's blog you are entered, and you can enter as many times as you want, as long as you leave different comments. 

Here's what you'll win:

That's a 6" Lightly Lemon cake with real vanilla butter cream.  It's topped with three calla lilies and seven roses, with a few buds and green leaves tucked in there too.  The picket fence is fondant. 

I will announce the winner on Saturday and hopefully have this thing in your hot little hands the same day...of course, if you live in New Zealand or something, I can't promise it would arrive looking anything like this or tasting remotely good anymore.  That's really far away...but distance can't separate cake lovers:). 

Ok...make me happy people!  Comment, comment, comment!!


  1. Mmm, so glad I don't live in New Zealand...I'm hoping it will make its tasty little way to Clinton. :)

  2. I am hoping it makes it's tasty was to Terre Haute. This is absolutely gorgeous. Your artistry amazes me! R. Coombs

  3. I think I might just drive to you for that cake!!

  4. This looks absolutley amazing!! I don't know how your handle everything-work, caking, and being a wondeful mommy and wife.
    Carrie Mitchell

  5. I'm commenting because I can...and because I'd send it to my in-laws who live in Sandborn :o) Your flowers are by far some of the best I've ever seen!

    1. Congratulations, Erin! Go check out todays post - You won!!

  6. So beautiful and I am sure it taste better than it looks. Now that is saying something too. Beautiful calla lilies.........

    1. Thank you! Make sure to leave me a name so I can identify you if you win:).

  7. I'm amazed at your "creations" (flowers) each time more beautiful than the ones before if that is possible. I'm sure the taste would be even better. Since it's only 6 inches, the calories won't matter. I wish you success in all you bake.

    Carol warner

  8. Last line...(in all that you bake).
    Correction by Carol Warner

  9. All the cakes you make are very pretty. I am sure the taste yummy.

    Jennifer Kincaid

  10. They always look so beautiful!

    Jeani McCammon

  11. I'm surprised you didn't say China as your example of long distance. :-)

    1. For some reason, New Zealand always pops into my head, but I will try to give a shout out to you frozen chosen out there one of these days:).
