
Friday, March 30, 2012

Congratulations, Erin!

Congratulations to Erin! 

You are a WINNER!

While you may not have that perfect winning mix of tiger blood and Adonis DNA, like our friend in the seal up top, you have something far better.  You have CAKE! 

Please send me an email at, and we will figure out a way for you to win your cake and eat it too. 

Thanks for your participation everyone!  This was a fun give away, and I'll probably do more like it in the future.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Give Away Cake

Just in case you were wondering, I'm playing this give away all kinds of loosey goosey.  Pretty much if you comment on yesterday, today or tomorrow's blog you are entered, and you can enter as many times as you want, as long as you leave different comments. 

Here's what you'll win:

That's a 6" Lightly Lemon cake with real vanilla butter cream.  It's topped with three calla lilies and seven roses, with a few buds and green leaves tucked in there too.  The picket fence is fondant. 

I will announce the winner on Saturday and hopefully have this thing in your hot little hands the same day...of course, if you live in New Zealand or something, I can't promise it would arrive looking anything like this or tasting remotely good anymore.  That's really far away...but distance can't separate cake lovers:). 

Ok...make me happy people!  Comment, comment, comment!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wonderful Day for a Give Away!

Hello, cake lovers!

It's been a wonderful, exhausting day.  As usual, when I've had a big project come to an end, I'm just about out of words.  All I have is pictures, and hopefully they will speak for me. 

I apologize for the less than stellar photography.  I left in a rush in the wee hours this morning and forgot my super double plus awesome camera.  These are brought to you courtesy of my phone.

17 roses, 9 calla lilies and a bunch of little buds and green leaves
The view from up top!
Top and bottom tiers: Lightly Lemon with vanilla butter cream
Middle tier: Buttery Yellow with vanilla butter cream
And just for kicks (and because the top tier of this gorgeous garden cake wasn't touched by anyone by my carefully gloved hand) - I'm going to do a fast and furious give away of the top tier. 

Like it?  Leave me a comment!  This post and tomorrow's post will leave room for entries, so if you want it, comment away! 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Arranging and Maybe Giving Away...

It's one thing to make a pretty flower. 

It's another thing altogether to put it next to other flowers in a way that doesn't look like a Victorian nightmare.

My preference is always simple.  I like uncomplicated florals that hold up the beauty of one or two blooms, with plenty of room for air and light. 

My concept for the cake I'm working on now is to do something like this on top (plus a splash of green here and there):

Then at the base of the tiers, I want to group a few flowers together, a little like this:

I realize I'm a baker, not a florist, and I have an untrained eye.  All I know is what I like and what looks beautiful to me.  I'm usually a pretty harsh critic of my own work.  So I figure if I like it, that's a pretty good sign I'm somewhere in the neighborhood of the right track. 

Speaking of might be time for another promo here at Bake Lore.  Anyone in the mood to win some handmade sugar flowers of their very own?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sneek Peek

As you may have guessed from the more-than-month-long gap between posts, I have been resting a bit.

Not to worry, cake lovers, everyone needs a moment to pause and catch one's breath before digging into a remarkably busy bridal calendar. 

I have lots of weddings, showers and anniversaries booked - which is NOT to say that I'm full up.  I'm not!  If you are interested in a tasting or are ready to place an order, I'm here for you:). 

This post is just a sneek peek into the first of several lovely cakes I have planned for the coming weeks.  It's going to grace the table at an art reception in Indianapolis, and I can't wait to see it all put together. 

Here are some of the sugar flowers I've been working on...